
Friday, December 15, 2023

Smart and talented girls!

 Holiday Gala for Lily and all the concert, band and other performing arts kids. They put on a great show.

Grade brag on my girls. The boys are doing great too thankfully. Xander has one B and the rest are A’s, and Jericho even has a couple A’s and nothing below a C right now! Hayden and Lily are both doing fantastic. Their teachers have nothing but wonderful comments and high hopes. Hayden and her Dad were told she needs to be in math year round, she flew through Geometry A…teacher told us it was too easy for her. Upon his urging she went right into Geometry B, next is Algebra A. His plan is to have her in Calculus next year as a Sophomore, and to keep her climbing until she needs to start UDUB classes in high school. You could see his excitement for her and about her mathy brain LOL. Speaking of UDUB Lily’s English Language Arts teacher thinks she will have the ability, and his support, to start college ELA classes next year. So proud of how hard these two work

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