
Thursday, March 21, 2024

So many goodbyes.

Willow enjoying some kitten free time. The babies have started heading to their new homes!

Sometimes being a responsible breeder means having plans fall apart and having to do what’s right for the breed and the dog. Eda is a 16 month old 42 lb Dutch Shepherd we imported from a wonderful breeder in the Czech Republic. She is a very playful, sweet, and eager to please girl. She is crate trained and knows basic obedience commands. She is not a confident girl, more shy and slow to warm up. No aggressive tendencies just scared of new things. Not the proper temperament for this breed. She is not as driven and crazy as your typical Dutchie, but is not a couch potato by any means. Unfortunately, she is not a good breeding prospect so I need to find her a home that will fit her needs. I feel she will make a great pet for someone. I think she will thrive with more 1:1 time. Potentially will be good at non bite work sports. She has a heck of a nose and is crazy fast. As sad as it is many people would breed her anyway, so she got spayed at my work before finding a new home.

She did great!

Eda missed the “Dogs are supposed to be stoic” day of Doggy 101. First night she was freaking out, every few minutes she jumps and whines like something is biting her. So here I am sitting up with her since 3am when I gave up on sleep. Oh never mind her DIY cone of shame, totally forgot to get one when I picked her up from the clinic. Bath towel and duct tape to the rescue


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