
Farm Sales.

We are a small homestead farm. Eventually we plan to offer animals and products for sale or trade. Our goal is to do our part to provide healthy, homegrown delicious food for our family...while treating our animals with dignity and respect. The animals we raise here are loved and cared for every day, they live a very happy life and are not tortured in anyway. They literally give us all they have, the least we can do is treat them kindly and make their life, be it short or long, enjoyable. 
Check our official farm website out at 
Pleasant Dreams Farm .

**Updated 2-9-20**

Chickens and Eggs. We have a colorful egg basket, I picked all my girls keeping in mind the colors of eggs they would give us. Blue, pink, chocolate, brown, olive, cream...lots of fun to gather Easter eggs every morning. We may also have chicks or adults available from time to time. Our chosen breed to produce pure bred chicks are Salmon Faverolle's, we will also have barnyard mix chicks too. Ducks and peacocks may be joining our farm in 2016 too.

We have eggs available $4 per dozen. Our eggs are truly free range pastured eggs, as our girls are free to roam our 10 acres till their hearts are content. We supplement with organic non GMO no soy layer pellets.

We also can offer fertile hatching eggs...we have Easter Eggers, Olive Eggers and barn yard mixes. Royal Palm turkeys will soon be available as well. Email for availability and pricing.

Royal Palm turkeys. We went with a heritage breed because while the commercial turkeys grow faster and bigger, they are not able to breed to sustain themselves and they are not meant to survive longer than butcher time. We wanted to have our own lasting source of turkeys so we will take the slower and slightly smaller heritage breed. We hope to have turkeys available for the Holidays in 2018.

KuneKune. We have adult registered KK available now!

Nigerian Dwarf Goats. 
We picked this breed, and the specific goats we started with, with milk in mind..they also are nice show prospects. I hope to try my hand at lotions and soaps...and of course delicious creamy sweet milk. Goats are also wonderful for bush and shrub control and lawn care. Our animals came from wonderful breeders who always tests for CAE, CL, Q-fever, Johnes, BVD and TB....we will also test our herd as it grows.  Goats are herd animals, we will not sell just 1 kid, unless you have goats already.

Breedings planned for 2020 early spring babies. 
14 does due spring 2020
Check out the web site for info and photos.
Pleasant Dreams Farm  


  1. Where are you located? I saw that you had had some Salmon Faverolle Chickens & thought if you had more later, we might be interested.

  2. Hi! We are located in the Longview, Washington area, but are often in Portland, OR. as well.
