
Friday, April 24, 2009

First baby home!

Guess who... 8/7/08
Hayden is going home today, she spent 26 days in the NICU!! She is a pound + up from her birth weight...almost 5 lbs, and she is 3/4 of an inch longer! As soon as Xander stops being lazy and eats better he is going home too, probably early-mid next week. Lily is a good week and a half away, but doing awesome. We took over all of Haydens care at 8pm last night...I think I got about 4 hours of sleep total, the NICU likes to have you get a dry run for at least 12 hours before going home. I am scared to lose the monitors and the nurses LOL!!!

Xander and Lily now get to be roomies!

Lily was so happy to get to share a crib with her bro :)

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