
Friday, April 24, 2009

My dream C-section date

Today was tough 8/8/08

Today would have been my C-section date...35.1 weeks....if only Hayden would have been more patient! I still feel cheated out of pregnancy time, and out of a cool birthdate for triplets LOL

Hayden's first night home
Last night was rough. Hayden would not sleep in her bassinet, she wouldn't even let us put her down. She had never been like this in the NICU, I gave in since it was her first night home and held her all night. Hope I have not started a bad habit!! She seems to be a little better being on her own in her bassinet this afternoon. I am so glad today is Friday I have had about 8 hours sleep in the last 2 days....DH is gonna take over when he gets home so I can sleep!!!!! I don't know how I am going to do this with 3, got some good tips from a friend so hopefully tonight is better.

Hayden meeting her Uncle Rick and Cousins Brandon & Tyler

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