
Thursday, May 7, 2009

The boo boos have started

So I made it through Jason's back to back double shifts...and good news, I still have hair. I really hope his Friday gets here soon though! I am one tired momma...triplets aren't so easy when you are doing it by yourself 16+ hours a day!

Xander and Hayden have mastered pulling up and are now trying to push off and let go. Xander can actually stand on his own for a couple seconds before falling. We have started our boo boo phase I am afraid. Hayden had her first bloody lip the other day, I think she fell, landed on her bottom and bit into her lip. Thank goodness they have hard heads, I think babies have a knack of landing on the hard floor even though just a few inches away is their padded mat....sort of like buttered bread will always land butter side down LOL

Here are some fun time, happy babies, standing...oh and Lily's first (hopefully last) wardrobe malfunction :)

Xan trying to stand...and oh so happy about his new achievement

Not a bit of makeup on so forgive me

Miss is getting so hard to get them to sit still long enough for a pic these days.

Hayden and Lily playing...this is starting to get rougher these days too. Especially Xander, he is a little brute!

And finally, Lily's shirt trouble....should I tell her FlashDance was cool like 20 years ago LOL


  1. Cute! I love the baby legs! My little girl fell off the couch today! She's 5 months, and her first actual injury (although I think I was more injured than her, she only cried for about 10 seconds!). I found you on APA!!

  2. that is awesome. Yeah make sure that you stock up on band-aides. I have learned that getting boo-boos is just a part of a life.
