
Friday, May 8, 2009

3 sets of twins + triplets = a lot of babies

The babies went to their 1st playdate was so much fun! It was a full house, and there were babies everywhere hehehe.
Diane and her 16mo old twins William and Hannah were kind enough to host, Jason and I and the trio joined along with Maureen and her 9 1/2mo old twins Conor and Madeleine, and Danyelle and her twins Alexander and Samantha who are just over a year. Everyone played so nice together and there was a plethora of toys to enjoy :) Xander and Hayden fit right in with the other babies who were crawling and pulling up, and Lily even had a fellow sitter...who also happened to be a fellow red head. We all had a great time, can't wait for the next one!

Lots of pics below...

Yup that's 9 babies and their momma's!!!
Mom's L-R me, Diane, Maureen, and Danyelle

Lily and Samantha loved the little house!

Xander and Hayden both want the fake food

Everyone had fun with the table...Alexander standing in the stripes William in the orange.

More fun toys...Xan and Conor playing with the big toy and Alexander playing with his momma.
Xan loved that toy :)

Lily and Hannah in the background

Hayden and daddy
Conor behind his sister Madeleine