
Saturday, May 9, 2009

First time in the pool!!!

Man does it always take this long to take babies swimming? It took us an hour to get them ready to leave the house. I am using the "1st time getting babies ready for the pool" excuse. I thought hey let's go ahead and put their swim diapers and suits on before we leave the house so we will be able to just jump in the pool...are you BTDT (been there done that) momma's laughing at me already??? You got it...they peed all over themselves before we even got out the front door. So back in the house we go, rinse out the swim diapers and suites and put them in regular diapers and clothes and leave for the swim center. Get there get them undressed and put back on the swim stuff....and Lily pees on dad just as they are about to get in LOL Once we finally get in the water things get fun. The babies were not super happy right off but none of them cried. Then about 25 min. in they figure out splashing...especially Xande he soaked us all :)...and started really loving the water. We played for about an hour then got out and got them changed and dressed. Got home took showers gave them bottles and they passed out for 3 hours!!!

We brought a water camera but it took crappy pics...and we went through all 25 in the first 10 min LOL hopefully we can get better pics next time! What we got is below....

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