
Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day*

This time last year I was pregnant so we sorta celebrated but this is my 1st official Mother's Day. We had a great day, I slept in and then woke up to Lily chewing on my card from the babies :) Hubby also gave me a card and some Hershey's Kisses. I have a ring on the way with their birthstones in it too! We then stopped by to see Jason's mom and give her a card.
Hubby also took me and the babies out to dinner, we went low key as this was the first time all would be in highchairs instead of infant seats at a restaurant. We went to Olive Garden and the babies were pretty good, the napkins kept them entertained for at least 10min, people watching 10min, then sampling our food got them through another 20min. A super nice guy walked up and offered to take a pic of us...people just don't do this enough anymore, I vow to offer to take pictures for a family next time I see one trying to do it sweet. Hope all my momma's out there had a Happy Mother's Day!

A little video of me on Mother's Day 2008


  1. Happy Mother's Day Katrina! I love the picture you look GREAT and the kids are adorable AS ALWAYS!

  2. Happy belated Mother's day!

    It looked like a GREAT day!

  3. Happy Mother's day Katrina (this is Melissa AKA sesame2008 from APA)... Can't wait to see a pic of your birthstone ring... My hubby gave me a ring with 3 opals on it (Hazel's birthstone)...
