
Thursday, May 14, 2009

10 months old*

The babies turned 10 months two days's time to get my butt in gear and start planning their birthday party, 1 year old is going to be here before we know it! The closer we get to 1 the more I find myself thinking back to the start of our journey. There have been some sad preemie stories lately, it's so heartbreaking when I learn of a family that did not get the happy ending we all hope for. I give thanks every night for my babies, and they amaze me daily.

We now have 3 babies holding their own bottles, it is beyond nice!!! Xander is standing without holding on for longer and longer...I think this new ability has made him so proud and happy he actually cheeses for the camera now instead of turning his head away :) Lily is actually thinking about crawling...not there yet but she has started sort of scooting and leaning over while in a seated position. Hayden got another bloody lip...this time it actually busted and swelled. Hayden also has added a second word to her vocab...MOMMA!
Here are a few words from Hayden and Lily

Lots of pics from the last couple of days...
Lily thinking about crawling
Poor Hayden's busted lip

Xan and Hayden are so good at pulling up and standing...I really think cruising is days away.
Hayden is our sweet and funny girl...this happy face brings smiles to our hearts every day!
Lily smiling for us too.
The never ending drool... Xan now has 6 teeth, Hayden has 6 also, and Lily has 8!
A little blankie fun

Holding their own's a beautiful thing!!!

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