
Sunday, May 17, 2009

They love their momma!

Jason usually takes crappy pics and never thinks to do it unless asked, is this a guy thing??, but he actually snapped these of me and the babies.
Xander and his momma...he loves screaming at the camera LOL

Pretty Miss Hayden...she is such a cheese factory, her big cheeks are so cute!
Lily Bug....I was lucky she didn't ralph on me LOL
I am trying to figure out how to get some video uploaded on to my is not going well, why does this stuff have to be so hard?! I just want to plug this thing into that thing and have it work.
I think being raised by a military and police family and moving so much has made me too closed off and protective for my own good. I have very few real close friends, and even fewer "besties"...I don't even know a single neighbor. I hope we don't move around as much as we did when I was a kid so my kiddos have a chance to make some really great long standing friendships. Though after watching shows about kids and teens these days a part of me wants to run off and raise them far away from the rat race a la Duggar style.
On another note...
Just a little tip, no one likes flakey annoying.


  1. They are beautiful little angels and I love them tons and tons!!! give all three of them big hugs and kisses from Auntie! Rob and I miss you all and count down every day, no matter how many, until we get to see you all again!!! Lots of love to the Party of Five!!!!!

  2. Looking good, Momma! :)

    They are SO cute...
