
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My first jury duty.

Believe it or not I have WANTED jury duty ever since I turned 18. Everyone around me has been asked many many times, and I would bitch about not ever getting asked. Well I got my very 1st summons a couple weeks ago and today was the day. If I ever say I hope I get jury duty again slap me in the face. I sat there for 4 hours and never even got picked to see if I would get picked. If I had actually got to do something I wouldn't have minded the 4 hours but not getting picked sucked.

After that we took the bunch out to Izzy's, the babies ate their share of peas and beets...and left lots on the floor. We have been warned about not freaking out if their diapers look bloody, "when I eat beets I stain my sheets" now I get that part of the song...never been a beet eater so I didn't know that. Then we headed to the park for a little B ball. B and I took on Jason and kicked his butt! Jason and B threw the football for awhile, the babies were like cats following a toy, their heads followed the ball back and forth in funny. We then hit up my mother in laws pool, AGAIN, B begged to go one more time before he heads home on Friday.

Our future football stud :)

I am beat and going to bed!!!

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