
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A trip to OMSI!

So we took the babies and B to OMSI today, none of them had ever been and they all looked like they had a good time. Lily got fussy about half way through so Daddy carried Miss Drama Queen the rest of the afternoon. They had a cool, yet sad, exhibit of a developing baby. They had actual fetuses from like 4 weeks through to 33 weeks, then after 33 weeks they were fake. It was sad but very amazing to see what they really look like. They also had the CSI exhibit going, you got to walk through 3 different crimes scenes and then back through the lab and figure out what happened based on the evidence. They also had the minitures, my fellow CSIers will know, from those episodes. It was really cool! Lots of pics....

Getting ready to go...yes we hardly ever do it but the girls are matching :)

A CSI: crime scene

Checking finger prints


Checking out an autopsy

Out side of Grisoms office :)

The CSI minitures

Lily started getting cranky
B, Lily & Jason on infrared
Heading home!

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