
Sunday, July 12, 2009

Pinch me...I think we have survived the first year!

Oh boy what a day....this is going to be long! So of course nothing went off perfectly for their big bash...with triplets what does? We left a little too much to do morning of, we should have planned all our free time better...yeah what free time LOL. So Jason woke up at 6:30 to make 45 cookies, dough malfunction the night before so it had to be done the morning of. Then we shower the babies and put them down for a nap...though they had only been up about 2 1/2 hours, we knew they were in for a long day. Then Jason headed off to blow up the 25 some balloons, pick up the 2 guest cakes, and the 14 foot sub. I stayed home decorating all the newly baked cookies, got that done and went to change. What do you know the outfit I had just bought from Nordstroms had not had it's security crap removed....I FREAKED. I was already running a good hour late, I had so much to set up and decorate....I was just about in tears. Jason to the rescue, he calls his sister who came by picked up my outfit and ran it to Nordstrom so they could get the stuff removed. While she was gone I woke up the babies and got them dressed in their outfits, which were a tad too summery for a day that was calling for showers. Middle of fricking July, in a week of days in the 80's and it's supposed to rain...great. Stacie got back and helped me load up to get everything over to Grandma's House. My dear friend Gayle, her triplets just turned 4, arrived and went to work making my bug food. I can't tell you how much help she all seriousness we could NOT have done it without her!!! She did all that work then gave me a hug and said she had to go get her kiddos to a little friends party...second time today that I almost cried. Thanks my friend! My mother in law also got going on getting all the food ready. Even with 35-40 guests we ended up with too much but when about 18 of the expected guests don't show that tends to happen. Jason and I got all the decorations I made out and got the food out and ready...we did end up about a half hour late but the first guests to arrive were also a tad late so in the end it all worked out. One of the best surprises of the day was my sister who flew in from Vegas. I had NO idea she was brothers knew but kept it hush hush. We had been talking on the phone about all things party, my decorations, cakes, food, she was helping me put it together all the while saying how she wished she wasn't so far away. I spoke to her last night and this morning, little did I know that she was already here, and had been planning to come for months. I was being distracted by my brother as Allie slipped in the yard and yelled "I heard someone was having a party" I turned and screamed...after almost crying twice today this time there was no holding it back. There are no words for just how awesome this surprise was! I got to see my little niece Rowan again and the cousins got to see each other for the first time! I love you sis! My babies were passed around all day and loved getting to visit and play with so many people. We did smash cakes and boy did they do lots of smashing, Lily went for the frosting, Hayden was putting handfuls of cake into her mouth, and Xander ended up with most of his in his lap. Then gift opening, though they were getting worn out they actually did a great job and had a lot of fun. The party was supposed to run 1-5 at 5 most of the guests had just left and the rain started....thank you for holding off!!! The remaining party goers moved it inside for another 2 hours. The babies were getting tired and about at the end of their rope, we got them home and to bed they went. I want to thank everyone for the help, coming to share in the babies 1st Birthday, and for the great gifts....what a awesome day. Now I need to sleep for a week Hahaha. We had a great photog come and take pics for 3 hours so there will be LOTS and LOTS of pics coming soon, not soon enough.

The babies have come so far, from 3 lbs to 25 lbs, from needing help breathing to trying to walk, from preemie clothes to wearing a size's been a wild year and I am so happy to be on this ride!!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Hayden, Lily, and Xander!
    Isaac's first birthday is just around the corner! I'm so excited to have made it this far, but I am already fighting back the tears just thinking what all the last year held.
