
Saturday, July 11, 2009

Tomorrow is the day!!!

This time last year Hayden had broken her water and I was in the hospital waiting for them to decide if they were going to do my C-section right then or try to hold off. We are getting their smash cakes finished, and some of the bug themed food. Here are some pics of the smash cakes, and some of the bug food...we'll finish up the rest tomorrow morning, busy day ahead.

We did have some fun today at my friends Bday bash for her triplets who are turning 4, I wish we had got a picture of the two sets of triplets but it was wild.

Okay the smash cakes...this is our first time making/decorating cakes like this but they turned out pretty good :)
Xander's Dragonfly cake

Hayden's Butterfly cake

Lily's LadyBug cake

Ants on a log

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