
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Anyone know how to pick a lock?

Bad parent of the day award goes to us. When we bought this house we never changed the door knobs or even really looked at them. So this morning when we went to get the babies up imagine our surprise to find Hayden had locked us out. Fitting 3 cribs into a small room called for some creative jamming of the third crib where ever. Hayden's crib is in front of the closet, next to her is a bookshelf...when she started to stand she was able to reach the books and rip them up. So we pushed her crib closer to the door, with just enough room for the door to open and close freely. She would play with the light switch and try to turn the knob, but we didn't give it much thought. Somehow she turned the little lock and we had no key...honestly I am not sure I had ever looked at the knob close enough to see it had a lock. Our lock picking skills being what they are Jason had to take a hammer and knock the whole handle off the door. It took about 4 slams so by the time we got in the babies were crying and not sure what all the loud noise was about and ticked that their parents had not responded faster to their calls for breakfast. They now have a new door handle with the lock on the outside!

A pic of the trio playing...Xan wanted to go for a ride :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh, dear! That's a learning moment, for sure! And WOW, Hayden's hair is getting so long- love it!
