
Friday, August 28, 2009

We have 3 walkers!!!*

Xander is really good with his walking now, I don't think I have seen him crawl much at all in the last 2 days. The girls are catching up, Hayden is doing really well...though she looks like a duck waddling LOL Lily Bug is just taking a few steps here and there, but I am happy to see she is not a month behind Xan and Hayden on this milestone like she has been on most others. Here is some video I took today of their walking babies are growing up so fast.


Hayden Bo Bayden

The Bug

Here is Hayden playing with her ball...and she knows what you mean when you ask her where her ball is!

I see a huge adjustment in their attitudes now that they are walking. Xander and Hayden especially, they were acting so cranky and that they are walking they seem to be back to their happy selves. We took this before Hayden started walking...she was like pacing in the play area.

1 comment:

  1. They grew up so fast!
    They are absolutely precious, and so beautiful.
