
Monday, September 28, 2009

Chugga Chugga Choo Choo!!!

YAY! We joined the Choo Choo craze!!! Thanks to a fellow multiple momma and a consignment store we managed to get a 3 seater Choo Choo for about $130! That's a lot better than the A-holes on Ebay trying to get $200 for each seat! We got the third seat today, and took the trio out for a little spin. We went around the block a couple of times, and I have to say it attracts more attention than our triple stroller. They had such a great time though, you can see Xander happily screaming in many of the pics below. We do still need to get seat belts put into each seat, so yes, if someone had fallen out we would have been "those" parents LOL One of us walked next to them the whole time to make sure no one stood up or fell out.

Lets see...what cute new things are the babies doing...
Hayden has started spinning herself around in circles....she can't go very fast yet but she does enough to make herself dizzy :) Xander will give a reluctant kiss here and there. They are starting to pick up on body parts and Hayden can point out the dog in books!
I am down 9 lbs y'all...almost halfway to my first goal!!! And Jason thought it would be cool to shave his head, I told him it makes him look shorter LOL


  1. OH my gosh this is the cutest thing ever!

  2. How will you install seatbelts?

  3. I am not sure yet but you can get replacement ones from the manufacturer, they do come with seatbelts they just got ripped off of these ones.
