
Thursday, October 1, 2009

Happy Birthday To Me!!!

I turned 31 today, thankfully I don't feel that old and, according to Jason, I only look about 26 LOL Yeah he is so sweet :) First I got a fun music card from my dear's tune, Another One Bites The Dust. Cute Al, don't forget you are only 17 months younger than me! Also remember our pact, if our hubby's are dead and we are old bittys on our own we will be moving in together...I will sabotage your fixadent so watch it! When Jason got home from work he took me and the trio out for dinner. I was craving shrimp so we went to Red Lobster, it was yummy. The babies did so awesome, we were the center of attention but it was a bit different than the usual gawkers. The couple sitting behind us played peek a boo with Hayden and seemed to be really enjoying the babies. The lady got up abruptly and left, her husband was waiting on the check and struck up a little conversation with us. Come to find out they are not able to have children and we ended up making her sad and she had to go wait outside. I felt so bad for her...we have been's not an easy place to be. I was happy to hear they are thinking of adopting. Then at one of the tables close to us was a darling little girl who Xander was totally trying to flirt with. Dinner went great, we actually spent almost an hour and a half before the babies had had enough. We skipped dessert, I was down 10 lbs as of this morning...I am going to wait a couple days to see what damage was done LOL As we were waiting for our check our wonderful waitress, I am not kidding, brought over three other waitresses to sing Happy Birthday to me, I think I turned 3 shades of red LOL. As we were leaving we had two other tables of people saying how well behaved the triplets were and that they acted better than most single children at a restaurant. I hope we are not using up all our good behaviour points now, will be a bummer if they start acting up when they get older. Jason insisted we stop for TCBY since I didn't want a birthday cake so that was our tasty treat. We got home and got the trio ready for bed, Jason put all 3 in boy poor girls, and then they gave me flowers :) After that it was bottle and bed time and they went out like a light. I am beat, and ready for bed myself. A bunch of pics from today...

Lets go!

Kicking it at Red Lobster

Back home...

My pretty flowers

Bed time bottles...Hayden's was gone too fast to even get a picture, but she did snuggle with the frog LOL

My sweet hubbs


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! You really do not look 31! Your husband isn't just being a sweetheart. Shrimp blink by the way ;) and I was thinking on my way home from work today that I should get a couple of recipiece from my mom that are really good and meatless!

  2. Happy Birthday! You do look a lot younger than 31! My birthday is next month and we are going to go to Red Lobster too-I always want to go there on my birthday because they are always having Endless Shrimp!! Glad your day was so fun--your kids are so adorable!!

  3. Thanks you guys. No way Bry...they do not blink, that's my story and I'm sticking to it LOL

  4. Happy birthday!

    Red Lobster, yum!

    The flowers are beautiful!

    Love the pics, too!

  5. You look great! Your hair is AWESOME! You two together are awesome =) Look forward to a visit before the holidays for goodness sakes. I am alone all week with the kids this week and still going to work so let's wait until next week =) Happy Birthday late! I had no idea - I had you pegged for June though I am not sure where I got that idea - Love and hugs! Gayle
