
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

More space=more risk for injury.

We didn't even make it through a whole day before someone got hurt. Now Hayden has what looks like road rash on her forehead from bumping it into the treadmill yesterday. She wasn't even climbing on it LOL our cat, O.J., laid down next to the treadmill and she bent down to grab him, but didn't have enough clearance. Poor baby, some pics of her owie from today, also some pics of Xan and the Bug too :)

Hayden's booboo

The Three Amigos

My little hunk :)

Pretty Miss Hayden...even with road rash on her forehead LOL

Our lovely Lily Bug

Playing with their baby stroller, and I managed to get a pic that makes them look like they share nice HA.

Oh and I am adding the music back. If the music bothers you, or you want to hear the videos, just scroll all the way to the bottom of the blog and hit pause on the music player.

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