
Monday, October 26, 2009

The training wheels are off!*

We took down the baby jail today...I am both happy and scared LOL. We still have a part of it up around the TV and another part keeping the trio out of the kitchen. They now have free range of the whole living room and hallway. They almost couldn't believe their eyes, and "ran" all over the place screaming and laughing, it was so cute! Got lots of pics and some video of three very happy toddlers having a great time.
Our new living room set up...before the sharks hit it :)

First look at their new space

Took them about 3min to trash the place LOL

They did not have a ton of hands on time with their doggies while the jail was they all, dogs included, loved getting to be together.
Xan and the mutts have already tried breaking into the kitchen :)

Happy kiddos enjoying being free at last...and the girls showed off some more signs.

The other AWESOME news of the day...Jason won big on football today! He made 2 bets, one was a 6 team pick for $5 and the other was a 10 team pick for $5....both hit and we came away with $1,710!!! Whoohoo hubby, way to go!!!

Xan, Hayden and the Bug supporting Daddy on his deciding game :)

A few more signs from the girls.


  1. Hi! Just curious.. What did you use to fasten the superyard to your walls?

  2. Hi! My husband drilled holes in the walls, then put in some "eyebolts", then used zipties to fasten the gate to the eyebolts. Hope that made sense...and thanks for checking out the blog!

  3. Thanks! I'll be doing that today. Love your blog!
