
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Multiples group Halloween party!

16 moms and dads + over 22 kids = a fun morning! Our group got ahold of an old school style house and brought a ton of food and toys and we had our own little costume party. Xan, Hayden and the Bug had sooo much fun and actually played pretty well with all the other kids....Lily got bullied a little but she is used to it so she didn't seem to take it too hard. They played hard for a couple hours and were so ready for their nap when we got home.
After nap time they got their lunch...they enjoyed their first taste of peanut butter today. I have been scared to let them try it but Jason was ready to throw it in the meal rotations. We gave them each one slice of bread with a little PB&J and they LOVED it, better yet no allergic reactions at all! LOTS of pics from today :)
First time in a ball pit...they weren't too sure of it at first.

Miss Bug...lil angel.

Hayden loved these footballs :)

First time checking out a tunnel...
Not a one of them went more at a couple inches in it LOL

3 lil piggies looking out a window

Hayden's first baton twirling lesson :)

We also got this recent pic from one of the new pups owners...these two are so cute!

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