
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Our first Halloween carnival!

We all dressed up tonight to hit a little costume party/carnival near our house. Xan, Hayden and the Bug were of course the 3 lil pigs, I was lil red riding hood, and Jason was the wolf. Most of the activities at the carnival were a bit too old for the trio but we all had a good time anyway. Jason only got to wear his mask a couple of times, and only when Xander was NOT made him cry. My costume made me look fat...I hate everything about the skirt part of it. I have been afraid to get on the scale for like a week now, I could have sworn I gained some of my weight back. I am happy to report I am still 14 lbs down...but seems as though I am stuck here. I was going to bring meat back into my diet, once a week, on 11/1. I think I am still going to, I think I need to...I am covered in bruises and I think I need the iron.

What cute lil piggies!
We had a whole group of teenagers help us get a couple pics, it was so funny.
Hayden loved music and story time...and trying to get into the teachers stuff LOL

Red and the big bad wolf playing around.
Proof that not only does the baby jail need to come down, but that I need iron. This is a 5 day old bruise from when I almost killed myself getting into the the play area. When I say "where is Momma's owie" Hayden will pat my leg Awwww.

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