
Thursday, November 12, 2009

16 months old today, and what do they get...

H1N1 shots, poor babies, at least the nurse was so fast the trio didn't even know if they should cry about what had just happened to them. They each let out one tiny "uh" like they were going to cry but it was over so fast they almost looked confused LOL They seem totally fine tonight, hopefully they will not suffer any bad effects.
Cute baby story of the day, the trio have started doing the "pat, pat, pat and raise your arms as high as you can and yell blast off" from Little Einstein's. They started doing this totally on their own, we never demonstrated this for them. It is so cute, I have to try to get it on video.
I got a start on Jason's Christmas gifts today....won't be able to share more until after Christmas though :)
The girls love their Daddy!

Kisses for my sweet boy

Xan, testing testing testing...all the time.

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