
Friday, November 13, 2009

We made it to round 3!!!

Thanks to those that voted for the trio in rounds 1&2, we made round 3!!! Now the next step starts. If you are not too busy please go here and scroll down a little until you see the voting spot on the right hand side. Click #10 (our new #) then click vote, and that's it....for now LOL I think you can vote once a day until the 16th. Please keep helping us!!!

The kiddos have been in 18mo clothes for a couple months now, we just switched to size 5 diapers. Here are a couple comparison pics, the preemie diapers from the hospital used to be way too big for them LOL.

Jason sent this text into a TV station...isn't he sweet :)

The trio having some signing time....they love watching.

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