
Monday, November 9, 2009

The QB does not tackle the cheerleaders!

Xander has been acting a bit frustrated the last couple of days, not sure what is bugging him but he is getting grouchy with his sisters. Though Jason loves his tackle technique and thinks he is going to be an awesome football player since he kinda bear hugs them then uses his weight to pull them down to the ground. I'll be sure to thank Hayden and Lily for helping Xan work out his football tackles.

Lily Bug has started coming up to us and if our arms are crossed she will uncross them and open them up then raise her arms up to be picked she is clearing a path to being picked up LOL

Still working on the blog book, it's a big project, and this is just 12/07-1/09...yikes.
I am closing in on 18 lbs down whoop whoop!!!

We still need more votes...see the post below for instructions...PLEASE!!!

Xan Man such a hunk :)
Pretty Miss Hayden Cheyenne
The cutest Bug EVER

The dogs took some beatings, err...lovings, today :)
Cue the Mission Impossible music...Xander shimmying under the baby gate
Sakari also enjoys nap time :)

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