
Sunday, November 8, 2009

You know you are a spoiled brat when...

You wake up at almost 9am, your babies have been fed, showered and dressed by your husband and you get pissy about the breakfast dishes that he left in the sink LOL Have I said lately how much Jason rocks :)

On another note, we made it to the top 20 in the Halloween Photo contest...please vote for us again! Go here and vote for #1 (you can only vote once per computer and votes need to be in by the 12th) scroll down a little and the vote spot is on the right hand side. Thanks everyone!!!

No new pics today, I have been very busy on a project...not to mention my camera is trying to shit the bed on me. Hope Santa brings me a new one for Christmas! I am trying to have my blog made into books. I am working on Book 1 right now Pregnancy to 6 months, and I am running into some awesome blast from the past here are a few to share :)

They are 5-6mo in these pics.
Xan passed out in his jumper
Hayden and Lily, bath time cuties
Back when they just chilled in their bouncys
Happy boy
Hayden and Lily wearing the same outfit LOL
Bug looking like a lil Angel
Back when we had to prop bottles.


  1. I have been wanting to make my blog into books as well. Do you mind me asking how you're doing this or what you have found that works well? I would appreciate the help!!
    By the way your hubby does rock!

  2. Thanks!
    I am using Blurb
    It's a little spendy but really user friendly.
