
Thursday, January 14, 2010

EI evaluation today.*

It went really well, the evaluators were very nice and had a fun time "playing" with the trio. Hayden and Lily are great, they did not need or qualify for any help. Xander was in the 'OK' range with his communication, but by just a smidgen. They felt he was close enough to 'not OK' that they approved him for help. I will be hearing from someone in the next week or two and get a schedule of when and how often they will be out to our house to work with him. I hope it helps him, they did say he was not bad off but that by doing it now instead of waiting for a recheck at 2 we may be able to nip whatever is holding him back in the bud.

A couple funny videos from today.
Now that we have started hiding our hands (only sometimes) from Lily the walk monster, she is pulling Xander to walk with her LOL. He didn't seem to mind, only problem they had is they both wanted to lead :)

Here is one of Hayden playing with her food.

A few pics...

Xander talking to his sisters.

His eye is looking so much better!
Miss Hayden, I swear I am going to try to get her hair in a pony tomorrow.
The girls really seem to be getting so close...I love it!

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