
Friday, January 15, 2010

Our first trip to Munchkin Playland

We braved the end of cold and flu season to get the trio out for a bit of fun. They have been so bored being stuck inside, and so have we! We of course picked the most busy time to go so it was a bit crazy for the first 30 min, but after that it thinned out a little. The kiddos had a really great time, they only got bullied a time or two and for once they didn't do any bullying. I gotta say it was hard to not get involved every time some kid was mean to them, or jacked a toy from them, or told them no they can't play with this or that, or pushed them...I really really wanted to. I am going to have to get used to it I guess. I was annoyed with a couple moms there though. They brought all their crap into the enclosed toddler area, then move across the room and talked with another mom for an hour. Mean while I have to keep my kids from getting into their purses and diaper bags, I really wanted to just let the trio ransack their shit all over the place. Hello you have kids, did you not think maybe you should put your stuff up out of reach or at least stay near it to guard it. I know watching my kids is my responsibility but a little common sense on another mothers part would be helpful. The babies got to climb and go down a slide and just have a lot of fun so the annoyance was totally worth it!

Some pics...
Hayden love crawling through the tunnel under the tree.
Poor Lily getting told by the other little girl "no mine"

Xander wasn't into the tunnel like Hayden was...he never did go through it.
Everyone loved the giant duck

Going sailing


  1. lol... you're better than me... I would've let Hazel ransack the mom's stuff and then said "oops, sorry"... But, I'm sometimes like that ;) Looks like they had fun!

  2. LOL I so wanted to, next time I may not be able to stop myself :)
