
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

It seems too early to be starting party planning again.

Trying to get a jump start on the trios 2nd Bday party planning we decided to go scope some local parks today. Being mid July we will probably have to book early to get a good spot. I have found it's a lot harder than I thought to pick a park for a bunch of 2 year olds. I don't want anything right by a road, I don't want a place where the tables are too far from the play area, I don't want a pond or any open water, I do want nicer play structures and lots of parking for guests, plus we will need at least 10 tables...picky, me?!? LOL
It was a decent day earlier but by the time we got out at the last park it was cold and windy, and the sun was trying to hide on us. I was hoping the kiddos would get a little time to play, but we had to pack it up about 10 min after getting there. Hayden was too cold to even move, Xan and Lily were having fun running around but they had little blocks of ice for hands. There was a set of 2 year old twins there, their mom said she doesn't know how we do it LOL. As we were walking back to the car one of the twins wanted a ride in the Choo Choo, but Hayden was buckled in the middle car and that's the only one he wanted a ride in. His mom told him he could pick a different seat or he would not get to ride, 2 years olds are not good with compromise so the poor little fella didn't get to ride. If it wasn't so cold we would have gotten Hayden out so he could ride, they were adorable little boys. We looked at 6 parks and one of them may be it but we want to check out a few more. Good news though, while we were gone our new bedroom was getting floors...YAY one step closer!!!

A couple pics of some cold babies :)

Lily got a little blast of cool wind LOL
Poor little popsicle.
Look at Xander and Lily go :)
Woohoo floors!

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