
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Took a little stroll out of the cave today.

You know you have been cooped up in the house too long when you take your kids out for a walk and they do nothing but squint, blink and try to keep their eyes facing downward....and it's totally overcasty outside LOL. It's still pretty chilly here so we were only walking about 20 min, but it was really nice to get out. The trio screamed and smiled and laughed the whole time. We did have one little paparazzi issue, a lady actually took a picture of us with her phone from inside her car.

Lily Bug was the only one that kept her hat on.
Oh so happy to be out and about!

Jason's sister was in town for a couple of days so the trio got to spend some time with their Auntie Stacie, they have a great time playing with her. Auntie if you are reading...Hayden wants you to bring your guitar next time and sing for them :) We got to see Gangster and Sakari's pup Oakley...she is such a cute girl, thank goodness the mix didn't turn out ugly like some feared :)

Some new pics of the remodel, we have paint in the bedroom and doors on both rooms!!! It is so close to being done!!! Being a little former garage room we felt we should go bright and sunny on the paint.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for getting out! It's just too cold here.

    I LOVE the paint colors!
