
Saturday, February 13, 2010

I am ready for our trip!

My niece, Miss Rowan, is having her 1st Birthday party next week! Jason and I have decided to fly out to Vegas for 3 days to be in on the celebration. Grandma is going to stay at our house with Xander, Hayden and Lily. I am totally freaking about leaving them, but I am also very excited to get away for a few days just me and Jason. We head out early Friday evening and get back late Monday night. Poor Grandma I am going to be a list making fool, and will probably call way too much LOL.

Sakari has totally not learned her lesson. She has gotten out of the yard twice now since we got her back. Thankfully we have been watching her like a hawk so we went right to the front door to let her in. We now have to stake out the yard from the front and see just how and where she is escaping from and get it buttoned down.

Took a couple pics today of my 19 month old babies!

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