
Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Extravaganza.

We got a late start today but ended up having a fun day. After naps, even for the adults LOL, we got the trio dressed and headed out to a Sporting show. Some friends of ours have put a new bait out on the market so we went to check it out and show some support. Way too many dead animals there for me, no offense to any hunters but I just can't get behind killing things for "sport." There were a ton of beautiful heads and stuffed bodies that just would have looked so much better alive and running through the forest or wherever. Xander, Hayden and Lily were looking at some of these things like they didn't understand why they were just still and not coming up to them to be petted. We did get to see some great quads and tent trailers, Jason has been wanting to buy a tent trailer for a couple years now...maybe be picking one up pretty soon! After cruising the show for an hour or so we packed up and headed for dinner. We went low key and very kid friendly so it was Red Robin for us :) The trio did awesome no meltdowns or issues, they actually had their own meals off the kids menu for the first time. We got them all grilled cheese sandwiches with some broccoli and fruit. Xander ate almost his entire meal, Hayden and Lily put at least half of theirs away.
The Multiples and More question of the week this week is 'Who are your Valentines and why?'
Personally I think Valentine's Day is a couples holiday, so I get Jason a card, some candy a gift or whatnot; but I don't get cards or gifts for the trio or anyone else. When they are older we will probably make some heart shaped cookies together and I will get them Valentine's to hand out at school...if they still do that these days LOL.
Ready to head out for some fun.
We were fortunate enough to get 4 huge bags of clothes given to us from a friend of mine with twin girls...I can't wait to get all of it on the girls throughout this summer! Such cute stuff, we put some on the girls today!
My pretty girls...awww.

At the show.
Our friends booth set up.
Trio checking out some of the dead stuff.
Vroom vroom

At dinner tonight.
End of a busy to bed.

Trying a new look with the blog, I like the 3 columns a lot but will have to go back and resize some of the side photos so no one is cut off.

1 comment:

  1. I miss you guys! It's so good to catch up on you all. I am glad you got your pup back! What are the chances?! There are blessings to be had huh! =) I hope to talk to you soon and better yet, a lunch time play date =) Hugs! Gayle
