
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Viva Las Vegas!!!

I took my laptop with me to Vegas with the intentions of posting every day, ha..yeah right. We were getting home too late, or were too busy, I didn't even get a chance to pick up my laptop. Our last day at home we were so busy getting the house in order, packing, getting baby instructions ready...thankfully, because we didn't have time really to get too sad. Kissing the trio bye was tough, Xander decided to wake up from his nap with a 101 degree temp about an hour before we left, so that put a nice twist on leaving. Friday's flight out to Vegas was a good one, they were running about 10 min behind schedule so the pilot came over the intercom and said he planned to "take some short cuts and fly it like it's stolen" to make up time LOL, we ended up about 5 min early. We got to my sisters house late then had to go right back out and replace my hair gel that the airport security took from me...grrr. My brother Scott and his girlfriend Amber stayed at my sisters house too, was kinda cool having us all under one happy, perhaps drama filled, roof. The next day was Miss Rowan's 1st Birthday Party, it was pretty fun and she looked totally darling, as usual. The adults got to go see a movie together after the party, and we had a lot of great meals out together, we even went to a trampoline city place and jumped around for an hour...everyone had a great time even though most were sore for a few days afterwards. That's what happens when a bunch of 30 year olds act like kids LOL. It was really great getting to be together like we used to when we were younger, makes me wish for the 100 billionth time that we all lived closer to each other. I also got to see another brother whom I haven't seen since I was like 8 years old...22 plus years in the making it really was nice to see him again. Jason and I got to have some fun one on one time, did some gambling...mostly lost but it was still fun. We did our best to not worry too much about the kiddos, though we did call to check in 3 or 4 times a day hahaha. We missed them so much, I wished many times that we had brought them along. They did really well at home with Grandma, though it was evident they missed us like we did them. We had a great trip but were very happy when the time to go home came. We got in really late Monday night, it was SO hard to not wake Xander, Hayden and Lily up. We held off until morning and walked in their room together to giant smiles, we handed out lots of hugs and kisses.

I didn't do a great job of taking pictures on this trip but here are a few.
At Rowan's party.
Mommy and Rowan
Uncle Scott and a pooped party girl.
Jason and I
Smash cake time.
Auntie and Row having some cake MMmmm.

My brother in law and I had a little too much fun deflating the party balloons...We represent the lollipop guild. Shhh don't tell LOL
Opening gifts a little later at home.
A couple pics my brother Scott took of me and Amber at the trampoline joint. Too bad we didn't get any pics of Jason doing back flips...he even did 5 in a row, I was pretty impressed :)

My sister and I with our long lost brother Lee.

I am very happy to be home but miss my sister and niece already.

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