
Friday, February 26, 2010

I think we may have one that will potty train fast.

Hayden has started patting her diaper now to let us know when it's wet, then she runs to the kitchen gate and points in at the changing station. She has been doing this when she is poopy for quite awhile, but doing it when she is wet is new. We aren't even close to trying yet but I hope this means she will potty train fast and easy...I am sure I am dreaming here LOL. She has also figured out how to make their little ride on toy move forward by using her feet, they can all go backwards but she is the first to go forward all by herself...go Hayden!!! Xander's EI appoints are going well, he is trying to communicate more already and has started saying 'up', though his 'up' sounds like Hayden's...closer to 'bup'. He has also started holding my hand and taking me for walks like Lily, the three of us have had a few walks around the living room together.

In other news...
I have been toying with the idea of going back to school for over a year now, and I am about ready to dive in. My 6 weeks on hospital bedrest, and the triplets month + in the NICU gave me a spark for nursing. I think I would really love to be a Labor & Delivery or NICU nurse. I know the RN program is intense, I plan to wait until Xander, Hayden and Lily are in school before applying, I really want to be home with them until then. I do think getting my pre-reqs out of the way, one at a time in the meantime would not only be fun, but good time management so I can concentrate on just the RN program when I am ready. I am really looking forward to going back to school, I was so unsure of myself and insecure in high school I really didn't give it all I had, or enjoy it at all. I think going back now that I know who I am and love myself, no matter what anyone else thinks or does will be a whole different, and much better, experience. Not to mention at the end being an RN would be an awesome career to be in, whatever field I make it into. I plan to get in for my placement tests this spring and hopefully start the next session!!! I am really excited! I hope I can hack it.

A few pics over the last few days.

He almost can't do this anymore LOL

We have trikes lined up for them when they turn 2, they got to take them for a little spin early.

We were packing the old swing up, it's been hiding in the spare room...they thought it was so fun, too bad they didn't like it much when they were little.

Some retro swing pics :)
First Xan, then a couple of tiny and cute.

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