
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

To my sister...

Happy Birthday Allie! Welcome to the 30 and over crowd; lucky for us 40 is the new 30, and 30 is the new 20! So we are now 20 and 21...again :)

I love these pics of you and me back when we were little kids...look at us. I have so many great memories of us growing up, yes there was some fighting...and I am so sorry for the times I was mean to you or told you to go away. There were so many fun times though, our planned attacks on the neighborhood bullies, telling funny stories to each other late at night when we were supposed to be asleep, making potions in the spaghetti pot using all of mom's spices and anything else we decided to throw in, eating a whole jar of cake frosting and blaming it on the cat, painting the neighbors house in cream cheese, and being the criminal masterminds that we are, we did it at just our height so we got busted, spending entire days playing Nintendo or watching TV together...and oh so many more. I remember kicking anyone's butt that messed with you, your little friends would run and find me on the playground at school if you were in trouble and I would fly to you and take on anyone there. I'll always have your back!
We had such great times, I am so glad we had each other and were so close. I hope my girls can have what we did, and I hope still do...I really miss those times. I don't think you will ever know how often I think back over this stuff and cry happy tears because of how lucky I was to have you by my side.
I love ya Sis, I wish everyday that we didn't live so far apart.

Don't forget our pact, if we are old biddies, husbands dead and kids doing their own things, we will live together and take care of each other.

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