
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The winner is...

It took a while, but we have picked the park for the trio's 2nd Bday party! We went out to Hillsboro to check it out today, and it is PERFECT! It is a beautiful park, 61 acres with tons of trails, Rhododendron garden, tennis courts. The park is not on a busy road, it is set well back and mostly fenced, it has a great play structure and 12- 8ft picnic tables under a shelter with a fireplace...the place rocks! Thanks to my Momma friends who suggested it! It is about a 40 min drive from our house, but so worth it. So a early heads the date for 7/11 @ 3pm!!! Xander, Hayden and Lily had a blast playing and cruising around for over an hour. You can see improvement weekly in their running abilities, today they didn't fall a whole lot and even when they did they caught themselves well and we came away boo boo free! Then of course they passed out in the car on the way home, so nap time was a bust LOL.

Some pics from the park...

Kids running everywhere LOL.

Xan and Daddy go down the slide!

Hayden's turn.
Now Lily...Hi Lily Bug, I see you up there.

The Bug holding her first worm...he survived his Alien encounter and we placed him in some mud.
Lily giving us her new side eye look. Happy Lily...
Side eye Lily Hahaha
Just because every kid needs a knuckle deep mining picture to embarrass them later...Lily here's looking at you kid LMAO She is going to kill me for this one day :)

Some funny pics from yesterday, and yes we dressed them yesterday too...this makes 3 days in a row, go us :)

Lily was enjoying, and wearing, water from a water bottle.
More side eye Lily.

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