
Saturday, April 3, 2010

Dress up!

Lily loves dressing up in these little heel shoes, she walks so funny in them though. Hayden tries but her wide feet can barely fit....even Xander wanted in on the fun.
Don't mind the outfits, it may look like we have spunky dress themselves kind of kids but no these outfits are compliments of their Dad...not sure what look he was going for LOL.

The girls amaze us every day with all the new words they are saying or repeating.
Xander was really funny today, we are all just getting over that little cold but I have been blowing my nose a lot over the last few days. I handed Xander a paper towel and he put it to his nose and attempted to blow his nose. Wish they would do that when they are covered in snot...instead they run and cover their faces thus smearing snot into their hair, it's not pretty LOL.
I am still wussing out on giving myself the shots, though I keep trying. My very sweet mother in law came by today to give me the shot so Jason could grab that over time at work. She did it like a pro...seems no one, but me, has any issues what so ever with jabbing me with a needle hahaha.

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