
Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!!!

This is going to be a big post, I have tons of pics from our day. We took the trio to OMSI today and invited Grandma, and Grandpa Randy, to join us. I must say, as much as I like to do things myself and not rely on help, this was one of the best outings we have had yet, for everyone involved. Xander, Hayden and Lily LOVED not being herded in a direction because someone else was taking off that way, I loved not having to make them have a meltdown by taking them away from something to chase after someone. We went with the one adult per kid approach and everyone got to go where ever they wanted and explore like crazy. I was a little surprised that the trio didn't really attempt to stay together at all, and didn't seem 'lost' when they were not with the other two. They would run into each other now and then and smile and play together for a few minutes and then they were off again. I guess it's good that they are not attached at the least not yet. It is crazy how fast they are growing, we were just at OMSI about 6 months ago and they were mostly stroller bound, then today they were all over the place touching stuff, looking at stuff, interacting with other kids...wild. We spent 2 hours there, then headed home for a little egg hunt at the house. It was raining today, shocker, so we just hid about 10 eggs (we filled them with a few M&Ms) around the house. The kids did great, actually looked for and collected the eggs. Xander was a little better at it than Hayden and Lily, that boy has the eye sight of an Eagle I think LOL. Once they figured out chocolate was inside, things got messy :) After a very busy 1st half of the day they took a good long nap...Jason and I were ready for a break too hahaha.

Getting ready to go...they had the cutest clothes on.
My little chickadees in a giant nest.
Hayden protesting that she would weigh 10 lbs on Mars.

Lots and lots of hands on fun!
Grandma got in lots of grand baby time today :)

The gear looked cute, but not all that helpful in keeping them dry LOL.

Daddy and Hayden working a puzzle.

We did the news...the camera adds 10 lbs right?!

Checking out some bones.

The egg hunt back home.

It's getting messy...

We got our Easter pics back...they turned out really great, you can barely tell they were sick at the time.

Wow what a difference a year makes. A little before and after...I don't remember them being that bald, or that chunky LOL!

Xan Man...little stud muffin.
Miss Hayden Cheyenne...she looks great with hair :)

Lily Bug...still adorable.

I had a Doc. appt this morning, to see how I am responding to the meds. Everything looked good, not a huge response and not too little either, my dosage was kept the same and I will have another recheck Wednesday.


  1. What great pictures! I love the comparison between last year and this year - it's amazing how quickly they change when they are this small!

    Glad you had a great weekend!

  2. Looks like the trio had a GREAT time! :)

    LOVE the Easter pics...could they be any cuter!?1

  3. I just love reading your blog and keeping up with your family. And what a beautiful family it is. Glad you had a great Easter. I am keeping everything crossed for you and your journey to concieve another.

  4. Great Easter pictures! I love the ones of them in the fence! Good luck with things!

  5. Cutest pictures ever! Haha looks like they had a fun Easter :)

    I love how Hayden has almost the exact same look on her face as she did in last years Easter pics and how little miss serious has a big grin on her face this year!
