
Friday, April 9, 2010

Been slacking...*

I think the shots have caught up with me a bit, I have been so tired recently I haven't even been posting some of the fun video clips and pics we have taken over the last couple of days.

So here is a cute little video of Hayden playing her harmonica. They all got one for Easter but so far Hayden is the only one that has figured out how to make it work.
I don't know what is up with Blogger and the black video screens, but they do play.

Here is a little video of some of Lily's cute words...she is so fun to talk with these days :)

We got the girls headbands, but have found they don't last as long as barrettes around Xander. The poor girls have started covering their heads and running when they see him coming. He wonders why they bite him...poor dude.

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