
Monday, April 12, 2010

21 months old....what?!?!

I think our cold is trying to make a come back. Yesterday the trio woke up with runny noses and today I am joining them...again. I hope since we just got over this it is gone soon. I have been having some blah-ness thanks to my trigger shot so I haven't felt up to taking many pics. We did get the kiddos out to the park and had a fun 45 min or so. I can't believe they are 21 months old, this means they will be 2 in just a couple months...crazy, this also means I better get my butt in gear on party planning.

We got one of the girls decals up, working on Xander's's fricking huge.

On the baby making front, I did my last ultrasound Saturday, we had 2 mature follies (eggs) at 18mm and 17.5mm and one that was probably too small but not totally out of the running at 14.5, my E2 came back at 779, and my lining was at 10. My Doctor had me trigger late that night, and we did the IUI this morning...fingers crossed everyone!

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