
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hayden, what button did you push?

Sweet little Hayden pressed 5 buttons, in the correct required sequence, to order 2012 on pay per view for $5. We had no idea, we were watching a DVD clicked back over when it was finished to see 2012 was 32 min in. We told her at least she could have ordered a movie we don't own LOL, we also told her this will be coming out of her future allowance.
Our colds seem to be making a short run this time, hopefully another day or two and they will be gone, Jason didn't catch it again this time, lucky duck.

A couple pics from today...


  1. Hazel got a hold of the remote while I was out of the room and changed the tv language to Spanish... Took me longer than her to figure out how to put it back to English! lol

  2. Twice now Liam has done something to our DVR box remote that makes me have to reboot the silly thing. I didn't even know it was possible to DO that with the remote, and here he's done it more than once.

  3. Hahaha our kids are going to be technical geniuses!
