
Sunday, April 18, 2010

I can see this is not going to be fun forever.

When the kiddos were babies Jason and I would say to each other how we couldn't wait for them to talk. Then when they started talking we would say how we can't wait for them communicate more, you know ask for things, use words to express needs and wants. Well that time seems to be here, the last few nights the kids have come to us asking for a drink of milk before bed, they will also point in to the kitchen asking for cereal, or C.C. as they call it, and yogurt, A.K.A ya-yaaa. It's cute for now but I can see how we are going to regret, just a little, wanting them to be able to ask for things LOL.

The kiddos were very happy to see Grandma again today, they sure love spending time with her. Everyone wanted to be held...they are a lot bigger now than the last time she hung on to all three at once :)

The 2ww sucks...I hate the waiting, I hate the up and down ride of it worked, it didn't work. When will someone come up with a test for the day after LOL.
Look at Lily Bug, so happy to be with Grandma :)

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