
Saturday, April 17, 2010

Owie, now I feel even worse for kids with ear infections

I woke up this morning in so much pain, I had no idea what was wrong at first. Then I realized it must be my first ever, that I can remember, ear infection. I was in tears, Jason was at work and I was freaking out. I had no idea how much these hurt, now I feel even more for poor Xander who has had 2 ear infections in his life. Thank goodness Grandma was nice enough to go pick up my meds, after an hour long wait at the pharmacy...don't ask, it was a cluster. Then she hung out for a bit to give me a hand until the meds kicked in, it is crazy how fast Amoxi gets to work. Not to mention her grand babies missed her and would have rioted if she tried to leave right away. The girls are saying Grandma's not totally perfect but you can tell what they mean. They all had little melt downs when she left, I had to bribe them with food to calm them down. For the rest of the night Lily was saying her version of Grandma and looking out the window for her. We took their minds off missing Grandma by breaking out giant paper pads and crayons for the first time. Surprisingly Xander was the most into it, he actually spent a lot of time drawing...well scribbling. Lily and Hayden wanted to play with the crayon boxes and hoard all of the crayons. I hope they get more into it now that we plan to bring it out more often. We finished off the evening with a bath, I think our shower days are over. Not only did Lily not scream at the top of her lungs the whole time, like she does in the shower, but the 3 of them actually spent almost an hour playing and having a great time....they loved it.

Xander starting to go down the slide the right way a little more now. He is also trying to climb the little rock wall sides...this boy is going to give me a heart attack one day.

Lily Bug in her cute 'Love Bug' shirt that Grandma got her.
Crayon fun!!!


  1. Hey there! Sorry about your ear! What happened? Crazy! And I've been out of blogland for a bit and definetly almost missed your "baby" update! We go in on Monday for our transfer! Too cool if we're both expecting that close together! Cute pics of your kiddos! Keep in touch! Hope you can make the next MNO!

  2. Thanks guys!
    Angela, woohoo good luck Monday! That would be awesome if we were PG together :)
