
Monday, April 26, 2010

Time to let the cat out of the bag...BFP!!!

I am PREGNANT!!! Seems as though our first IUI on injectables did the trick! I actually got a really early positive test 5 days ago at 9DPIUI, I wanted to wait to say anything until I had blood work to back it up. I did pee on a stick every morning waiting for my beta, just to make myself feel better LOL. Today was 14DPIUI and my beta came back at 364! It is lower than with the triplets pregnancy, my level was 667 at 14DPIUI with them, but still high enough to maybe mean 2 babies. I have another beta Wednesday, but will not know for sure how many babies we are having until my first ultrasound, which should be in 2 weeks. I am beat...and need to have a talk with the kiddos about not elbowing, head butting or slamming toys into Momma's sore boobies :)

Hi, my name is Katrina and I am a POASholic, you can see how the line got darker.
The digi's need a higher amount of pregnancy hormone to come up positive, so I already had a beta of at least 50 at 9DPIUI.

1st belly pic...4 weeks pregnant, still got some bloat going on thanks to the injectables.


  1. Congrats! I can't wait to find out if it's one or two or more!

  2. So excited for you all! You're amazing! And so happy for you!

  3. Congratulations! I was hoping that you would get pregnant quickly! Isn't it funny how much you feel like you know someone by reading their blog?!?!?!

  4. I'm SO excited for you!!

    Can't wait to hear about the u/s in 2 weeks...

  5. Congrats! The trips are going to be great big brothers and sisters!

  6. I just started reading your blog a few days ago, but I read this post and wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

  7. Many congrats - wonderful exciting news... are you hoping for multiples again (twins maybe?)

  8. Thanks everyone! We would be fine with twins...we are hoping it's NOT triplets LOL.

  9. Holy Cray Batman! Congrats!!! let's see if it'l be one or 3!!! H&H 9 months to you sweetie!

  10. So awesome! Congratulations and best wishes for a healthy pregnancy!

  11. YAY! The cat is free! The cat is free!!!
    I am so happy for you! (And not so secretly hoping for twins.)
