
Friday, April 30, 2010

It's always so much waiting.

If it's not one 2WW it's a another. I had my third blood draw today, my beta's are

14DPIUI 364
16DPIUI 622 with a prog. of 77.
18DPIUI 1018

Now I have to wait for my first ultrasound so we can find out if I just have high numbers for one baby, or if maybe two are in there.

It's no doubt the kids will keep me busy so perhaps the next 10 days will not drag too much.

Xander was in fine form today, he has found the kitchen is a lot more fun if you are standing on the counter.

They do let me have a little down time. Man I look like crap, I thought pregnant women were supposed to be glowing and beautiful...I'm not even puking yet and I look like this.

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