
Sunday, May 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Great Grandpa

We spent a fun couple of hours over at Grandma's house today, Great Grandpa had a fun party...our three little clowns provided the entertainment. Xander was all over the place, and into everything. He even pushed a chair all over the house so he could stand on it to get to the stuff put up out of reach. Hayden had a couple shy, I am hiding my head in mom's lap drooling on her and making her look like she peed herself moments, but other than that she had a great time. Lily was pretty outgoing today, she got to spend some quality time with her Great Uncle Steve, and she got lots of Grandma's dinner. It's funny how you never know if Hayden or Lily will be the shy one or the outgoing one, they almost never are both the same at the same time.

A little fun with Grandma and Great Grandpa.

Hayden and Momma play a little phone home.

Xan in one of his short down moments.
The girls chilling with Daddy.

Lily having some fun with her Great Uncle Steve.

She is telling me it's Mickey Mouse...or Maxi Mowwse as she says it :)

Working Grandma for some food.

Cake time!!

On the baby baking front...
The 5 week belly, still in the bloaty stage...then pushing it out just a little LOL.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like everyone had a great time. Can't wait to hear how many are baking.
