
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A first

The kids love their cereal, we will give them a handful of Kix, Cheerios or Life while we get their meal ready. This morning they had their very first actual bowl of cereal, with milk, spoon...the whole deal. Lily was a little rockstar, she ate her whole bowl with her spoon. She would even pick up the cereal that fell off her spoon and instead of popping it in her mouth, she would drop it back in her bowl to get it with her spoon LOL. Xander did pretty good, Hayden used her hand a lot but had a fun time. I was impressed, and they were so proud of themselves, I wonder if they will let us give them dry cereal ever again.

I have been so lazy the last week or so, I am really tired and lack any sort of motivation. I have been letting the trio watch way too much TV just so they will sit on the couch and chill with me :) I am sure it's pregnancy related, and I hope it passes soon. It is so different being pregnant with kids to take care of, and I am just in the beginning LOL. We did get a little off the couch play in today...

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