
Thursday, May 6, 2010

A great event for charity

The sister hospital of where the triplets were born holds a charity luncheon every year for their Children's Hospital. My dear friend Gayle hosted 4 tables and invited Jason and I to go, we were also asked to provide our NICU story and pictures of the kiddos. It was an amazing, and tearful, 2 hours. The place was packed, 700 people were in their seats...and I hope they had their check books ready. The stories were so touching and brought so much of our journey back to us. You may think that after almost 2 years I would be "over it" by now....I am not and I don't think I ever will be fully over it. We are so lucky to have such great hospitals and medical care here in the Pacific Northwest. We are also so fortunate for the advancements in care for premature and sick babies. I really hope one day every baby can be saved!
Check in spot.

Left side of the ballroom

Right side
Our table
Xander, Hayden and Lily in the slide show.

1 comment:

  1. Good job! I'm sure there wasn't a dry eye! And I know the feeling, I went to visit a triplet mommy who was waiting for her babies to be born and I started choking back tears...We are so extremely grateful! I don't think MoMs take our babies health and them being here for granted! They are such miracles and you have cute ones to boot! Excited to hear how your u/s goes on Monday! Yay!
