
Friday, May 7, 2010

New friends

Xander actually wanted out of the bath early today, so since the girls were in there alone we decided to introduce them to new friends. Hayden and Lily got their first Barbie Dolls from Auntie Allie for Christmas, they are bath Barbie's. We had set them aside waiting for Hayden and Lily to be ready for that type of toy, and thought today would be a good day to make the introductions. The girls were instant fans, they liked them so much they refused to leave them with their bath toys, seems these bath time Barbie's are going to be doing double duty as dry time toys too LOL. Xander was also very interested in these new play things, though the girls were not too keen on sharing their "Princesses" with him. I know there are a lot of Barbie haters out there, I don't have a big problem with them. I don't think of Barbie as a "roll model" for my girls, I hope that I am the most influential person in their lives, I don't think playing with a Barbie is the root of all evil. I had them as a child, and actually I think back then they had bigger chests...these ones seem to be a little more "normal" in proportions. So says the pregnant woman, who at just under 6 weeks pregnant has already gone from C's to D's LMAO.
New Barbie Dolls

Fun even out of the bath
Xander upset because the girls wont share
He snagged one
Now Hayden is unhappy and wants her Princess back

1 comment:

  1. wow- can't believe how big they have gotten!! My boys would totally steal the Barbies too if we had them- they are very in touch with their feminine sides:)
